
Santorini Co-op & Deluxe Pantheon Edition

Created by Gavan Brown of Roxley Games

The long-awaited Deluxe Pantheon Edition plus a brand new cooperative expansion!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Smoke Test Successful - BackerKit Survey Launched!
10 months ago – Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 09:01:40 AM

This week we sent out both the 'smoke test,' and the regular wave of surveys, and we've already had thousands of you fill them out - THANK YOU!

What are the new options? RE: The Santorini Turntable and Collector's Edition

In case you didn't see our recent Kickstarter update, there has been a fantastic new option that we have designed and sourced since the campaign ended: the Santorini Turntable! Designed to fit any version of Santorini, your cliff pedestal slots right into the turntable and allows you to smoothly turn the game board to be able to peek at what your opponents are up to from every possible angle! 

The Santorini Turntable ($26 CA) can be added as an add-on, or you can upgrade your pledge to the Santorini Pantheon Collector's Edition ($135 CA) to replace all your standard components with all the upgrades in one box: 

  • Pantheon Edition with Upgraded Turntable Ocean Board
  • Synth Cards 
  • Acrylic Tokens 

IMPORTANT: Because we have these new options, you are not locked into your original choices if you selected add-ons on the Kickstarter page (like Synth cards or acrylic tokens). All the funds you pledged during the campaign have been applied to your BackerKit pledge survey, and you will be asked to confirm your choices in the questions section.  

NOTE: If you follow the questions in the BackerKit survey, your pledge will auto-update per your answers. When you get to the confirm page, you will see your final order laid out with costs, tax, shipping, etc., THEN you will see your applied Kickstarter credit before your total balance remaining. That total is your shipping, tax/VAT (if applicable), and any upgrades/add-ons you added from the questions or the BackerKit add-on page. 

Example checkout screen

We know this is a big change post-Kickstarter, so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out for support by emailing [email protected]. If you can please include screenshots and the details of your issue, we can help you that much faster!

What If I Didn't Get My Survey?

As per the campaign FAQ, links should now have been sent to everyone who pledged for at least one copy of the game and is not located in a country we can't ship to. If you meet these two requirements and didn't get your survey, please email [email protected], and we'll follow up.

(Note to retailers: retailer surveys will be sent out within the next few days.)

When Does This Need To Be Filled Out By?

Tuesday, September 19th, 2023. 

What If I Have Trouble Filling Out My Survey?

If you have technical difficulties, the instructions are not clear, or you can't find the combination of pledge items you would like, please message [email protected] with the specifics of what you need, and we'll be happy to follow up with you.

As is our standard policy, we'll be back every two weeks now to update you all (even if there isn't any news to share).

Pledge Manager Update: It's taking a bit longer than expected. Will launch next week.
11 months ago – Fri, Jul 07, 2023 at 01:00:36 PM

Greetings, Sphinxy Pantheon backers!

In our last update, we shared that the Pledge Manager for this campaign would be launching within a week, and that week has since turned into two. Our apologies for not checking in sooner!

As it turns out, adding the Santorini Turntable has required a bit more setup time than we first anticipated. We've asked BackerKit to help us make the pledge manager launch as smooth and painless as possible, which is taking a touch more time. However, we expect the pledge manager to launch early next week, and we'll send another update as soon as it's ready for everyone to climb aboard!

As with most other campaigns, we'll send out a "smoke test" to a small subset of backers to double-check that everything is flowing as anticipated, after which the entire backer community will be invited to join!

Thank you for your patience and support! And until then...

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow us everywhere. Make it weird.

Spinning the Update Machine!
11 months ago – Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 11:15:01 AM

Greetings from Team Roxley!

We're back, and bouncing off the walls to share some new developments regarding Santorini Pantheon Edition and Riddle of the Sphinx!

Initially, we expected to have the BackerKit pledge manager launched by now, but we had an exciting development to bake into the PM before launching. We're now expecting to launch the pledge manager next week, with this fantastic addition as an option.

Okay, we've teased you enough! Let's dive right into the good stuff...

What is this spherical wonder, you ask? 

Let us introduce you to ... the Santorini Turntable!

The ultimate upgrade for city-building citizens will bring a new level of convenience, as you peek at what your opponents are up to from every possible angle! 

When we launch the pledge manager next week, you will be able to add just the Santorini Turntable by itself to any existing pledge or go for the all-inclusive "Pantheon Collector's Edition," which will include:

  • Pantheon Edition
  • Synth Cards
  • Acrylic Tokens
  • The Santorini Turntable

Along with a modified box and insert so that it all packs together.

We are still locking down the pricing for the Turntable and Pantheon Collectors Edition, but we'll have those final details sorted so that it can be announced next week.

In other news, Team Roxley will be at Game Con Canada, right in our beloved backyard of Calgary! The event takes place this coming weekend, from June 23rd to 25th! Join us at our booth to experience game demos of Santorini and Riddle of the Sphinx, as well as Skyrise, Radlands, Dice Throne, and more! 

And before we sign off ... How about one more stunning render of that amazing Santorini Turntable?

Thank you again for your continued support! And until next time ... 

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow us everywhere. Make it weird.

Pledge Manager Coming Soon + Team Q&A
12 months ago – Fri, Jun 02, 2023 at 12:35:19 PM

Greetings from Team Roxley!

We hope this update finds you well and filled with excitement for the progress of Santorini: Pantheon Edition. We have some exciting news to share with you today, so let's dive right in!

⭐️ Pledge Manager Launching Soon ⭐️

We know that many of you have been eagerly awaiting the launch of our pledge manager, and at this time we can let you know that it will be launching later this month! The pledge manager will allow you to customize your rewards, add any extras you desire, and provide us with the necessary information for shipping.

We appreciate your patience in this regard and are committed to ensuring a smooth and seamless experience for everyone.

⭐️ Upcoming: Creative Team Q&A ⭐️

In the campaign updates over the coming weeks and months, we’ll be featuring members the creative team behind Santorini: Pantheon Edition and Riddle of the Sphinx, grilling them with questions about Kickstarter, game development, and so much more!

Let us know who you want to hear from first:

  • Santorini Designer: Dr. Gordon Hamilton
  • Sphinx Co-Designer: Paul Saxberg
  • Sphinx Co-Designer: James Van Niekerk
  • Artist: Mr. Cuddington (Lina and David)
  • Artist: Damien Mammoliti

We’ll be back again in 2ish weeks with another Pantheon Edition / Riddle of the Sphinx update!

Thank you all for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. We couldn't have come this far without you, and we look forward to bringing you through all the various steps of this production and fulfillment journey! 

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow us everywhere. Make it weird.

3 May 2023 - The Infinite Pickle Closes Soon! KS Payment Processing, Spotlight on The Pythia
about 1 year ago – Wed, May 03, 2023 at 08:38:29 AM

TL;DR: Pledge manager is being worked on for the next few weeks. The Infinite Pickle Kickstarter is almost funded - check it out if you haven't seen it yet. Spotlight on the new god card Pythia below.

Kickstarter Payment Processing

Kickstarter should by now have billed your pledge to the credit card associated with your Kickstarter account, and if there were any issues, automatically tried to resolve them with your credit card company. This process usually takes care of itself, but if something went wrong and their support department was unable to help, Team Roxley will soon be able to assist further: please message us at [email protected] for further assistance. 

The Pledge Manager

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be preparing the pledge manager. When this is finished, you'll be automatically sent a survey link; in that survey, you'll have the option to confirm or upgrade your pledge, add any upgrades, add-ons, or additional copies, provide your shipping address, and confirm your shipping charge and any taxes that apply. Roxley will use a reputable and secure pledge management platform for this.

As long as you pledged for at least the Upgrade Edition, Pantheon Edition, or Riddle Of the Sphinx, you will receive a survey link and will have all the options that were available during the Kickstarter for upgrades and add-ons, or increasing your pledge to a bundle, etc. (As stated throughout the campaign and in the FAQ, backers who pledged only $1 will not automatically be sent a survey link, but can still come back later to join as a late backer when the pledge manager is ready.)

Ongoing Updates

As with our other Kickstarter projects, we want to keep our supporters up to date with all the news, so we will be publishing continuing updates until the games have been fulfilled (even if there's sometimes no real news to report, we still want to stay in touch; it's what we would prefer in your shoes).

Those of you who follow our social media channels already know we post regular images of our games and components; we'll be adding new images of Santorini will join to these when we are able, so you'll be able to catch regular glimpses of additional content from the game by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We'd love to see you joining the conversation at Boardgamegeek, and for all the news about our upcoming future projects, you can sign up for our newsletter at, follow us right here on Kickstarter, and subscribe to our  YouTube channel. And for Santorini in particular, we also have our own dedicated Discord Server and Facebook Community group!

The Infinite Pickle!

Dr. Gordon Hamilton's newest project, The Infinite Pickle, closes this weekend, and is very close to funding - but he could still use your support!

An Infinite Pickle is an open-ended math problem, which might be solved already... but still may have a better solution out there waiting to be discovered. THE Infinite Pickle, is a collection of 14 of Gord's favorite Infinite Pickles, assembled into a single, beautiful book. You can download this for free, or you can support Gord's Kickstarter for the physical edition, which is rapidly closing in on its modest funding goal and could use your support, if you're so inclined. 

From Gord's latest update: 

I've experimented with Infinite Pickles in classrooms in many countries.  Here is a 2011 video of an Infinite Pickle that I now call "Bubbling Cauldrons." It is the second last one in the book.

So check out The Infinite Pickle campaign HERE, and tell 'em we sent you!

Spotlight on: Pythia!

"Make A Pledge, and Mischief Is Nigh."

No word of a lie - this is one of three maxims that adorned a column in the forecourt of the Temple Of Apollo, where the Delphic Oracle was located! The other two were "Know Thyself" and "Nothing To Excess". (We're assuming this wasn't a warning against using Kickstarter... but we're knocking on wood, just in case.)

The word Pythia wasn't a name, but instead was a title used by a line of priestesses dedicated to being a voice of Apollo's wisdom here on earth.  Over 500 of their oracular statements survive from various sources, many of which are anecodotal or ambiguous, but a high percentage of which are in fact accurate (although often in convoluted or unintuitive ways). One such record is of King Croesus, legendarily wealthy king of Lydia in the sixth century B.C., who supposedly consulted two different oracles to foresee his fate, should he invade the Persian empire under Cyrus the Great. Both told him, if he invaded the Persians, he would destroy a mighty empire... which turned out to be true (although the empire he destroyed was his own).

In the game of Santorini, Pythia's oracular powers allow you to partially foresee your opponent's moves before they make them! At the beginning of your turn, you will first decide which of your two workers you're going to move, and indicate this to your opponent(s). Then, before you actually move and build, they must tell you which of *their* workers they plan to move on their next turn (or to move first, if they're able to move more than one). 

Once they've announced this, their decision is locked in and can't take it back, even if it means they will lose the game because of it. So use this information well when making your own moving and building decisions!

*Note* - while many people suggested oracular powers, including several similar to this, we'd like to send a special shoutout to Philipp Achtelik, who submitted a particularly elegant version to the contest we held in 2018 for character idea submissions. Congratulations, Philipp - your oracular vision has finally come true!


Sign up HERE for an alert when Preorder sales go live! Preorders placed before fulfillment begins will have their order shipped at the same time as regular backers, and will have access to all Kickstarter content, unless specified in the Preorder item description (although we will not be able to offer the same pricing and shipping as we did for campaign backers).

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow us everywhere. Make it weird.